Joining the WI and subscriptions 2024-25

Thinking of joining Lee Green WI

At present, we are operating a waiting list for those who would like to join Lee Green WI as we have now reached our membership limit. However, whenever possible we do like to invite those interested in joining us to our meetings so that you can find out if this is something that you would like to do in the future.  If you are interested in joining us and would like to attend one of our meetings as a visitor, please contact

If you are attending as a first time visitor there is no charge, and if you decide you would like to join us, please let us know at the meeting and you will be added to the waiting list.  After the first visit there is a visitor fee of £7 for each meeting attended.  We will contact you to let you know as soon as there is space for you.  Members have priority if numbers have to be limited for particular events or visits.

Membership for 2024/25
This year’s annual subscription cost is £48 which we hope you will agree is money well spent for 11 monthly meetings, subscription to the bi-monthly WI Life magazine, access to a huge range of learning, courses and much more information on the My WI website, as well as all the other trips, activities, fun and games we have at Lee Green WI!
The WI year runs from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.  For members joining part-way through the year the cost will be charged on pro-rata basis as detailed below:

Standard Annual Subscription from 1 April 2024 : £48

Members joining between 1 July – 30 Sept:  £36

Members joining between 1 Oct – 31 Dec:  £24

Members joining from 1 Jan : £12

You can pay your membership fee at a meeting by cash, card or cheque. If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, our bank details are as follows:

Name of Account: Lee Green Women’s Institute

Account number: 21083960

Sort code: 30 99 50

Please use your surname and initials as reference when paying online with LGWI, for example A Smith LGWI.