Got a great plumber? Had a fantastic hairdo? Eaten a lovely meal? Share your great local experiences with other WI members. Send them to us via our email form here
So far we have the following recommendations:
Mida (Mick and Dave) Lofts, rear extensions, bathrooms 07964 107681 (recommended by several members)
Boiler servicing
Blaze Heating 020 8857 8715 (recommended by Julie Pannell-Rae)
Curtains and soft furnishings (not upholstery)
Jackie Redpath 07949 716807 (recommended by Alex Smith)
Keith Wright 07887 900908 (recommended by Kath Harley)
Louis Smith 07533 303749 (recommended by Sandra Eastaugh)
Chris Burman 07545 381423 Building work, decorating, garden patios etc (recommended by Jo Wilkinson)
Paul Morris 07751864517. Bathrooms, various odd jobs – you name it! (recommended by various members) – a local company that does all kinds of property maintenance (recommended by Julie Pannell-Rae)
Window repairs 020 7099199, (recommended by Julie Pannell-Rae)
JJ Locksmith’s. Tele: 0208 851 8841 Mobile: 07944 072590 based in Mottingham (recommended by Julie Williams)
Baby Sitters
Marisa Swann. Reliable, good with small children – just turned 16. Lee area. (recommended by various members). Phone her mum, Rebecca on 07711793866
Patios, driveways, fencing, decking and landscape services.
Please note: These recommendations are based on information supplied by individual members of Lee Green WI. Lee Green WI and its members accept no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.
We strongly advise you to:
satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the contractor you employ for the job and ensure that s/he is trained and proficient in the tasks required; and
obtain at least two quotes from different contractors.